Let us make a customer, not a sale...
We believe in the art of manual lead generation. The process begins by collaborating with our executive team to define your search parameters. Our dedicated research team will get to work building your prospect list of handpicked leads! Pair a lead generation package with one of our outreach services for a week-by-week lead flow that adapts to your project’s evolving needs.
Manual Lead Generation Packages
Prices based on 500 leads
Tier 1 Lead Generation $750
Our skilled research team will utilize your parameters to build a list of targeted leads that can be used in conjunction with one of our packages or purchased separately for your own use. Manual lead generation is available for targeting businesses. We do not build consumer lists. Package includes: Company Name, Phone Number, Location, Industry, Manually check website
Tier 2 Lead Generation $925
Our skilled research team will utilize your parameters to build a list of targeted leads that can be used in conjunction with one of our packages or purchased separately for your own use. Manual lead generation is available for targeting businesses. We do not build consumer lists. Packages include all of tier 1, Linkedin Checked Employee size, Apollo referenced revenue, Linkedin checked specific POC
Tier 3 Lead Generation $TBD
Our skilled research team will utilize your parameters to build a list of targeted leads that can be used in conjunction with one of our packages or purchased separately for your own use. Manual lead generation is available for targeting businesses. We do not build consumer lists. Package includes all Tier 1, Tier 2, In depth research & analysis of data
Custom Manual Lead Generation
Contact our team for bulk leads 757-517-8015 and ask for our sales team!
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