Innovation starts here
Meet with our President, Danielle Foster & Vice President, Sarah Black. Danielle has over 15 years experience in executive management, operations, & sales. Sarah has over 15 years in marketing, project management & executive leadership. Together they are a force to be reckon with and think out of the box. Together they have help companies small and large grow their company. Contact us today, to get on their schedule
Consulting Packages
One-Hour Consulting Package $350 (prepaid service)
This package is an introductory for individuals and business owners that need more guidance on how to advance their goals and increase their business success. This service is prepaid and a one-time initial consulting meeting. This package includes a sixty minute meeting with our Vice President & President. The meeting will be recorded and the client will receive a full document containing ideas, websites, and feedback.
Operations Consulting $2500
Prices starting at $2500 per every 4 weeks with scheduled meetings and discussions. This package helps future managers, directors, or senior executives develop project management and operations processes. You will get a total of 1.5 hours per week consulting assistance. This package requires a 12 week commitment.
Sales Consulting TBD
Prices will be determined during free initial consultation. This package will help streamline your sales process with trainings, script writing, developing sales pipelines, and lead generation.
Unsure if we’re the right fit? See what our customers had to say: